That person is like a tree planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Its leaves remain green, and it will not cease to yield fruit. —Jeremiah 17:8
That Scripture has been spoken over me so many times in my life.
You are a tree. You are a tree.
For a long time I felt like a tree. A lonely, shaken tree in the middle of a tumultuous storm.
But now I see differently.
Today I feel my roots stretching out to the waters, just like the Scripture promises.
That Sober Life began as a way for me to express myself and sort out my recovery journey. I had lived in complete bondage to alcoholism and opiate addiction for ten years before I reached a point where I was tempted to take my own life.
Somewhere, during the worst moments, God came to my rescue, delivered me, set me free and equipped me for ministry.
But here’s the catch. I had been a strong believer in Christ for over two decades. I was a small group leader, a community chaplain, and part of our church’s prayer team, yet I could not break free.
I believe addiction is the worst type of bondage. It ravages our lives while many of us feel forced to keep up outward appearances. We desperately want to avoid the shame and stigma, so we silently sit in our shackles.
No one can help, because no one knows.
That Sober Life has grown from a simple blog into a movement with a mission to put an end to the shame from all life controlling vices. If you’ve ever felt gripped and unable to break free…from anything, then you understand.
You are our people.
We are here to encourage, support, and shine the light on addiction while providing practical resources and tools for living in the Solution.
Please join us. Become a part of the family. Believe with us and pray for us as we are faithful to point the way home. Every longing stems from that. Did you know that?
We want to go home.
We want to know home.
I hope That Sober Life is helping you find your way back to the light.
We also are excited about the long-term vision God has given us.
We are moving toward opening Restoration Recovery Center in beautiful Fort Myers, Florida.
We are believing a BIG God for BIG things and are looking forward to many lives restored.
Restoration Recovery Center is a sober residence where individuals in transition will be able to experience what healthy choices, successful routines, and a living relationship with God looks like in every day life. We believe the best way to build healthy families is to model them out in community.
We are excited for this journey and we invite you to take it with us.
…and like the Scripture says, “everything we do shall prosper.”
Much love,
Robin Bright xo